Free Papers & Posters



Authors need to have the following information readily available when submitting an abstract

  1. Complete contact information for the presenting author including the research institution.
  2. Provide the abstract title in full for publishing.
  3. Submit the abstract text as plain text into a text box located in the online application.
  4. Please note, graphics and tables are not accepted in the abstract
  5. The author of the presentation must be registered for the conference. The maximum number of co-authors is 4.

This year, free communications will be presented at the conference in video format. Instead of traditional oral presentations, presenters will prepare and submit prerecorded videos of their presentations. All attendees will have access to the videos of the presentations for review and evaluation before the Congress (Feb 14, 2025). This will allow attendees to familiarize themselves with the content before hand and engage in meaningful discussions during the congress. These videos will be projected during the conference sessions, allowing attendees to view and engage with the content. Presenters will still be required to be present during their scheduled session to participate in discussions and address any questions from the audience. This format offers the opportunity for presenters to deliver their content in a dynamic and accessible manner, while also allowing for flexibility in scheduling and ensuring that presentations can be shared and accessed by all conference participants.

The Abstract Review Committee of the I IBERIAN UBE COURSE will not have access to any data that could identify the author/s. This ensures anonymity and impartiality in the review process. All submitted abstracts will be anonymized before being evaluated by the committee. The focus will solely be on the content and merit of the abstracts, without any influence from the identity of the authors. This approach helps maintain fairness and transparency in the selection of abstracts for presentation at the conference.


- December 10, 2024:

Call for Abstracts Opens (Free Papers & e-Poster)

- January 24, 2025 (Midnight):

Call for Abstracts Closes (Free Papers & e-Poster)

- January 30, 2025:

Confirmation of accepted Abstracts (Free Papers & e-Poster)

- February 3, 2025:

Call for Video Format Presentations & e-Poster Opens

- February 14, 2025:

Call for Presentations in Video Format & e-Poster Closes


Will be based on the following criteria:

Scientific Merit (0 – 6)

Originality of project (0-2)

Clinical Usefulness (0-2)

The Evaluation Committee may, at its discretion, grant one or more honorable mentions.

The decision of the Evaluation Committee is not open to discussion.

The award for the Best Free Paper will be presented during the I IBERIAN UBE COURSE, scheduled for Feb 22, 2025.


Oral presentation of Free Papers should correspond to complete studies with outstanding results and innovative conclusions.

The work needs to be scheduled for 8 minutes of presentation.

  • Speakers must adhere strictly to the scheduled times according to the programme.
  • Enclosure of a disclaimer at the bottom of the ending slide(Acknowledgment, Summary, or Question & Answer Session slide) is recommended. One of the following disclaimers should be stated in the presentation, depending on the situation of the authors:
    - The author declares that the research for and communication of this independent body of work does not constitute any financial or other conflict of interest.
    - The author declares that a conflict of interest exists in respect of this work owing to his/her duties as [position] for [company name], and the potential subsequent financial ties arising from this position (including payment for current or future research, ownership of stock and stock options, fees for advice or public speaking, consulting, service on advisory boards or for medical training companies, and receipt of patents or patents pending).

All Free Papers correctly validated will be included in the scientific programme of the I IBERIAN UBE COURSE


Abstracts should be written in English limited to 300 words and submitted on-line, through this portal

All abstracts submitted for free papers will be also be considered for ePoster presentation.


By submitting an abstract you are consenting to JACOMPOR Association for development and education in Orthopaedics, via its appointed third-party agents, to storing your data. The personal data provided in the submission process will be used to engage and correspond with you and corresponding authors regarding your I IBERIAN UBE COURSE abstract submission, annual scientific meeting registration and information regarding JACOMPOR association activities.

We guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data. Therefore, the collected personal data in the abstract submission (name, academic titles, e-mail, address, phone/skype/social media contacts) will be used only for the purposes that are specified above.

You can exercise the right of access, modification, cancellation or opposition by a written request to JACOMPOR Association by email to:


Authors need to have the following information readily available when submitting an abstract

  1. Complete contact information for the presenting author including the research institution.
  2. Provide the abstract title in full for publishing.
  3. Submit the abstract text as plain text into a text box located in the online application.
  4. Please note, graphics and tables are not accepted.
  5. Completed the Financial Disclosure Statement and Copyright License Agreement on behalf of all authors. These should be completed and uploaded as attachments to your abstract.
  6. Author warranty: authors must read and abide by the guidelines below to be considered for presentation.

Personal Data Protection for the Free Communications Session of the I IBERIAN UBE COURSE:1. Data Collection: Personal data collected from presenters for the purpose of participating in the free communications session will be limited to essential information such as name, contact details, affiliation, and biographical information. This data will be collected solely for the purpose of managing and facilitating the presentation process.2. Consent: Presenters will be required to provide explicit consent for the collection and processing of their personal data for the aforementioned purposes. By submitting their presentation materials and agreeing to participate in the session, presenters consent to the use of their personal data as outlined herein.3. Data Storage: Personal data collected from presenters will be securely stored and managed in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. Measures will be implemented to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration of personal data.4. Data Use: Personal data collected from presenters will be used solely for the purpose of organizing and facilitating the free communications session. This may include communication with presenters regarding session logistics, scheduling, and other related matters.5. Data Sharing: Personal data collected from presenters will not be shared with third parties without prior consent, except where required by law or authorized by the presenter. Any sharing of personal data will be conducted in compliance with applicable data protection regulations6. Data Retention: Personal data collected from presenters will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless otherwise required by law. Upon conclusion of the free communications session, personal data will be securely deleted or anonymized.7. Data Access and Correction: Presenters have the right to access, correct, or request deletion of their personal data held by the conference organizers. Requests for access or correction should be submitted in writing to the designated data protection officer.8. Data Security: Appropriate technical and organizational measures will be implemented to ensure the security and integrity of personal data collected from presenters. This includes encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.9. Data Breach Notification: In the event of a data breach involving personal data collected from presenters, affected individuals will be promptly notified in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.10. Compliance: The conference organizers are committed to complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and will continuously monitor and update their data protection practices as necessary.By participating in the free communications session of the I IBERIAN UBE COURSE, presenters acknowledge and consent to the collection, processing, and use of their personal data as described herein.

  • Video Submission: All free communications must be submitted in VIDEO FORMAT. Videos should be recorded in English and must not exceed 8 minutes in duration. The content of the videos should focus on relevant topics within the field of hip surgery.

  • Access to Presentations: Prior to the congress, all attendees will have access to the videos of the presentations for review. This will allow attendees to familiarize themselves with the content beforehand and engage in meaningful discussions during the congress.

  • Presentation Projection: During the congress, a dedicated monitor be available where the videos of the presentations will be projected.

  • Author Presence: Authors of the free communications are required to be present in the monitor zone during the projection of their videos. This ensures that they are available to participate in the scientific discussion and respond to questions from both the Scientific Committee and the attendees.

  • Participation in Discussion: Authors should be prepared to actively engage in discussions following the projection of their videos. This includes addressing queries from the Scientific Committee and responding to inquiries or comments from other attendees.

  • Professional Conduct: All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner during the discussions. Respectful communication and constructive feedback are encouraged to foster a collaborative and productive environment.

  • Time Management: Presenters should adhere to the allocated time limit of 8 minutes for their video presentations. This ensures that all presentations can be accommodated within the congress schedule and allows for ample time for discussion.

  • Technical Requirements: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their video submissions adhere to technical specifications provided by the congress organizers. This includes guidelines for video resolution, format, and audio quality.

    1. Authors are required to upload their presentations onto the conference submission platform prior to the specified deadline.

    2. Presentation Language: Presentations should be prepared and delivered in English, the official language of the conference. This ensures effective communication and understanding among attendees from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

    3. Visual Aids: Presenters are encouraged to use professional and visually appealing visuals to engage the audience and convey key points effectively.

    4. Review and Evaluation: All presentations will be reviewed and evaluated by the scientific committee members based on criteria such as content quality, clarity, relevance, and adherence to time limits.

    5. Publication: Selected presentations may be considered for publication in conference proceedings or affiliated journals, subject to review and approval by the editorial board.

      The author of the free paper is responsible for maintaining and respecting the integrity and anonymity of any potential patients depicted in the presentation. It is not permitted for patients to be depicted in a manner that reveals their identity or includes any details that could lead to their identification without prior written authorization from the patient. If this is the case, the author must send a copy of the authorization to the I IBERIAN UBE COURSE



Authors need to have the following information readily available when submitting an abstract

  1. Complete contact information for the presenting author including the research institution.
  2. Provide the abstract title in full for publishing.
  3. Submit the abstract text as plain text into a text box located in the online application.
  4. Please note, graphics and tables are not accepted in the abstract
  5. At least one of the authors must be registered at the conference. The maximum number of co-authors is 4.

The Abstract Review Committee of theI IBERIAN UBE COURSE will not have access to any data that could identify the author/s. This ensures anonymity and impartiality in the review process. All submitted abstracts will be anonymized before being evaluated by the committee. The focus will solely be on the content and merit of the abstracts, without any influence from the identity of the authors. This approach helps maintain fairness and transparency in the selection of abstracts for presentation at the conference.